
Heal the Fear - How to Create Habits That Defeat Your Fears

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Fear is a driving force for much of human behavior. Studies show that most people will do more to avoid pain than they will to gain pleasure. Pain is a significant component of decision-making.

Learning to overcome fear has numerous advantages and makes life more fulfilling. Imagine making a decision based on achieving what you desire rather than avoiding what you fear.

Our fears control our behavior. If there’s something you want to do, but don’t, fear is likely the cause. Mediocrity is one of the primary symptoms of a life directed by fear. How much does fear drive your decisions? If you’re being honest with yourself, fear is a significant part of your life.

Fear leads to less than optimal decisions and outcomes. When choices are made that accommodate fears, the best solution isn’t utilized.

When we avoid fear, our self-esteem takes a hit, too. We know what we should do, but we’re not quite “brave” enough to make it happen.

Fortunately, dealing with fear is a skill. Sure, some people are naturally more fear resistant than others, just as some people can naturally jump higher than others. But you can learn to feel less fear and learn to act despite fear.

The Art of Loving Communication

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Communication is a key part of a healthy relationship, but it’s not always easy to communicate in a loving way.

Many couples struggle with loving and thoughtful communication.

Loving communication can be integrated into listening, talking, body language, daily habits, and other activities. Discover how to use all these forms of communication to enhance your relationship and experience a more joyful and fulfilling love.

“Nobody can predict the future. You just have to give your all to the relationship you're in and do your best to take care of your partner, communicate and give them every last drop of love you have. I think one of the most important things in a relationship is caring for your significant other through good times and bad.”

- Nick Cannon


Discover the Power of Mindfulness Meditation

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Our busy, complicated lives sometimes bring a wave of negative emotions: sadness, jealousy, depression, grief, anger, confusion, anxiety, and stress. Unfortunately, it's all too easy sometimes to succumb to the naturally powerful nature of these emotions and allow ourselves to be troubled for hours, days, or weeks on end.

On the other end of the spectrum, happiness, gratefulness, joy, relief, comfort and contentment are also emotional pieces we feel at times as we go throughout our lives. True happiness and emotional freedom is what all mankind strives for!

Although self-care is an important concept, many of us fall short in taking care of ourselves. Just as we take care of other aspects of our lives, our physical and emotional health must also take a front-seat priority. Consequences of failing to care for ourselves include a diminished immune system and other health issues.

Mindfulness and meditation in general can help you handle your emotions, achieve lower stress levels, feel happier, and enjoy peace and satisfaction with your life.


How to "Reframe Self-Critical Thoughts" and "Boost Your Self-Esteem"

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Self-critical thoughts can be overwhelming. They can consume your day and make it difficult to focus on anything else.

These types of negative thoughts can harm you in multiple ways.

Self-criticism can be an ongoing dialogue inside your head. Most of the thoughts focus on flaws, whether actual or perceived. Sometimes the thoughts start after a critical comment from another person.

In rare cases, self-criticism can be useful. It may increase humbleness and provide a way to evaluate mistakes.

However, most of the time, self-criticism creates unnecessary pain and suffering.

Self-critical thoughts can increase the risk of depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues. They also weaken your self-esteem and confidence.

Luckily, you can learn to reframe these negative thoughts in your head and overcome them.



Beyond the Gym: Fitness Tips to Incorporate into Your Daily Life

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How much time do you spend preparing to go to the gym? Most people spend at least 10 or 15 minutes changing clothes and packing a bag.

Then, you likely drive 15 to 20 minutes to the closest gym. If you don’t have a gym that is near you, your commute time may be even longer. You may be spending more time getting to the gym and back home than working out.

Once you get there, if someone else is using your favorite equipment, you may waste 10 or more minutes waiting for it to be free.

With all things considered, the gym can be quite time-consuming, costly, and draining.

However, the gym isn’t your only option when it comes to staying in shape. Fitness doesn’t have to be an all-consuming activity that forces you to take time out of your day to rearrange your schedule.

Right now, you might be thinking, “If your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or tone your body, then working out is essential.” Yes, it is, but fortunately, you have other options than the gym, and can incorporate fitness tips right into your daily activities.


How to Overcome Challenges

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Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles because you’re unsure of what to do? If so, opportunities may pass you by because your resolve to meet the challenge quickly disappears.

However, the good news is: you can pass any test you face on the way to your goals!

Opportunities that once passed you by can be turned into stepping stones on your way to victory. Once you add a few simple strategies to your arsenal, you’ll be unstoppable on your path to success.

Even big challenges can be surpassed with a few simple techniques. Overcoming these challenges will spur you on and encourage you to live the life you were born to live. Instead of feeling fear, you’ll feel confident when you approach these roadblocks.

It’s okay to feel fear, as long as you allow that fear to propel you forward. The truth is, anything worth having comes with some setbacks along the way and obstacles to overcome. Your willingness to face these challenges head on will determine the level of success you achieve in your life.

The strategies you learn here can help you every single day. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything.

Emotional Mastery - Taking Control of Emotion

As human beings, we are well acquainted with emotions and emotional responses. We all feel happiness and joy when positive events occur in our lives. Alternatively, we feel sadness and fear with equal strength when negative events occur.

Our emotional responses to life can guide us through rough water and into safe harbors. They give us a foundational mental platform that can provide stability in what can sometimes be a chaotic world. In many ways, our emotions are an important component in each of our individual definitions of humanity.

While emotions are a part of what makes us human, they also have the ability to tear the fabric of that humanity apart. Anger and fear, shame and disgust have caused many, if not all, of the violence that seems to be a part and parcel of our species behavioral repertoire. 

War, genocide and social abuse of all kinds stem from the wellspring of our darker emotions.  By the same token, negative emotions in our own personal lives can wreak havoc and cause damage and destruction that, in its way, is just as terrible.

How can a mental process that produces such connectivity and defines our better natures also allow us to commit acts that are, in some sense, deeply inhuman? That is the key question that we will try to answer within these pages.

Eliminate Distractions

The average person is distracted every eleven minutes during the workday. Let that sink in for a minute. Eleven minutes go by in the blink of an eye when you’re working on a project. Heck, it takes you half that time trying to figure out where you left off.

And this is an average, which means some of us get distracted and disrupted a lot more frequently than that. It’s a wonder we get anything done. If only you could figure out a way to eliminate some of these distractions.

Your productivity would shoot up and you could finally start making progress on that pile of projects. That’s what this report is all about.

We’re going to tackle the topic of eliminating distractions, not only at work but throughout your life. Yes, the increased productivity at work, and even at home when you’re working on projects around the house is important, but it goes far beyond that.

Eliminating various types of distractions will help you have more meaningful conversations and build stronger relationships with the people around you. It gives you time to unwind and relax so you’re ready with a fresh mind for the next day.

Absolutely! The Key Negotiation Skills to Get What You Want.

When we hear the word negotiation, we typically think of boardroom takeovers like we see in the movies or at least trying to get a raise at work. Negotiation is used in business and in places of employment, for sure.

But we negotiate in a lot of different ways that we may not think about. We negotiate with our partners, our children, friends, co-workers, and yes when buying a car or trying to get a better rate on our cell phone service. Negotiation is a big part of our lives, no matter who we are.

Negotiation is the act of coming to an agreement on a topic that’s important to all parties involved. It may include conflict resolution so that the issue gets resolved without harsh words or hard feelings. It’s coming up with the win-win.

Even though we negotiate all the time, most of us could be better at it. You may think that some people are just born with what it takes to be good negotiators. But the good news is that bargaining skills can be learned. They aren’t part of a special gene that only the lucky few have.

First Impressions

First impressions matter. That’s why our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and various other authority figures taught us this concept from an early age. We’re told to dress well and clean up before meeting new people. We’re asked to be polite and respectful when we meet new people.

And then, of course, there is the age-old advice to always wear clean underwear because you never know when you may get into an accident. Did you realize that these bits of advice were each about making a good first impression? In short, first impressions matter and it’s what we’ll discuss at great length throughout this short guide.

First impressions matter in all areas of your life from your career (think job interviews) to your personal life (talking to that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop). In this guide, we’ll take a look at why first impressions have such an impact on us and when it’s important to make sure the impressions are particularly good ones.

You’ll find plenty of tips to rock that first impression, no matter where you are and who you’re meeting for the first time. Mastering this skill and getting it right more often than not, will make your life go much smoother. It will become easier to start and maintain new relationships in all areas of your life.